<strine> HTML5 Specification
HTML5 is still gestating even though bits of it are already out in the wild. Fortunately there's still time to get tags submitted.
I've taken the liberty of submitting one that will change the face of the web as we know it. HTML, javascript, css hell even flash cannot represent Australianisms properly. This changes everything(again). Goodbye web 2.0 hello web 3.0
how it will work
the <strine> tab can be applied just just a block of text, as you would <strong> or <em>. In which case it will mearly act as a translation tool. Girls will become "Shelia", greetings will be replaced by "g'day", OK will become "no worries". Should the <strine> tag contain any block level elements such as tables or areas then they will be Australasianised. Red ochre will become the default colour, borders and lines will automatically be picked out in aboriginal style white finger painted dots. Any <audio> or <video> elements will have a digerido backing track automatically assigned.
Paramaters and CSS will be available to tweek the tags functionality though the W3C consultation process is ongoing some likely parameters are below.
<strine> Parameters:
- region [NSW QLD WA VIC], use regional slang
<strine region="QLD">that woman's ugly</strine>
would display "That Sheila's got a face like the north end of a south bound wombat".
- celebrity [Edna Kylie Crowe ], use auzsie clebrity style
<strine> celebrity="Crowe">Hello I'm Bob</strine>
would display "G'day I'm Bob father to a murdered son, and I will have justice in this world or the next".
What people are saying about the <strine> Tag:
"this is the most important step forward since I created the world wide web back in CERN"
Tim Berners Lee
"HTML 5? What's that? Would you like to buy windows Vista Australian Edition?
Microsoft spokes-zombie
"Apple will revolutionise the universe and and take the functionality to beyond the interactive threshold of responceivity we know today"
Steve Jobs
(Frankly we're not sure if he's talking about the <strine> tag in fact we have no idea what he's talking about at all. We were hoping you could help)
21° 67' S, 149° 13.6' E